Want to learn more about how you can create competitive advantage for your company? Complete the form below and click on Submit. We'll contact you to arrange for a complimentary consultation.

1. Do you see symptoms that you're paying hidden costs that are a result of an organization design and infrastructure that are mismatched with strategy?
1 2 3 4 5
many symptons   only a few
Enter Your Score (1-5):
2. When collaboration is required in your company, does your organization have clear and useful processes in place that make it easier to work this way?
1 2 3 4 5
we struggle with it   we're consistently
good at it
Enter Your Score (1-5):
3. When there are problems or opportunities that require joint problem solving and action, is it easy for you to work collaboratively with your customers?
1 2 3 4 5
collaborate w/
  we have cross-org teams
in place to do this
Enter Your Score (1-5):
4. Do employees clearly connect the work that they do to corporate strategies, goals, and outcomes and understand how they're contributing?
1 2 3 4 5
little connection   well aligned
Enter Your Score (1-5):
5. Do your company's goals and strategies clearly align with and compliment those of your customers?
1 2 3 4 5
little or no info
about their strategies
  we're well aligned
with our customers' goals
Enter Your Score (1-5):
6. Do you have people whose primary job it is to interface directly with customers?
1 2 3 4 5
none that I know of   enough to pay close
attention to customers' needs
Enter Your Score (1-5):
7. Do your employees feel like the rewards and recognition that they receive are consistent with the company's espoused expectations?
1 2 3 4 5
some do   most do
Enter Your Score (1-5):
8. Does the way your company is structured make it more or less difficult to get work done?
1 2 3 4 5
more difficult   less difficult
Enter Your Score (1-5):
9. Does the structure make it easier or harder for people to take initiative to solve problems, be creative and innovate?
1 2 3 4 5
harder   easier
Enter Your Score (1-5):
10. Are people being utilized to their fullest potential or coule they be challenged to contribute more?
1 2 3 4 5
we could be
doing more
  most are
contributing fully
Enter Your Score (1-5):
Your final assessment rating is (press tab to view final score):

Your final assessment rating means:

If you scored your company between 10 and 25, there are lots of opportunities for improving your organization's design, infrastructure and collaborative abilities and for reducing hidden costs.

If you scored between 26 and 40, you are well positioned to learn how to utilize design, infrastructure and collaboration as a source of competitiveness for your company.

If you scored between 41 and 50, your opportunity is to learn how to continuously evolve your design, infrastructure and collaborative practices so they are always well aligned with your business needs and strategy.

If you see that there are opportunities for improvement and would like a complimentary consultation, please provide the following information:
Your Name: 
Company Name:
City:    State:
   Zip Code:
   Your Phone Number:
Click here to send the completed form and contact information to CoastWise Consulting, and we will contact you to arrange for your complimentary consultation.
CoastWise Consulting
Mountain View, CA 94040
Phone: (650) 969-3535
Fax: (650) 969-5533


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